The more hectic it gets, the less time we find to post on our blog. As they say, no news is good news, but, dear reader, you deserve more than silence from us, so here's some snippets.

Last week we were at the X Prize Executive Summit and then we hung out at the
X Prize Cup. While our airships aren't directly space related, there are plenty of things being done with
airship related technology in the NewSpace arena and many of the issues that we face in doing something unusual in aviation are also faced by the new private space start ups - financing, regulatory hurdles etc. So we have a lot of friends there.
We have the 'gang' here this week, with Scott, our pilot, visiting to work with us on all manner of fun items. Michael Schieschke from Zeppelin is popping down having been to Winnipeg to present at the
Airships to the Arctic conference and we have all kinds of meetings scheduled!

On Tuesday you'll find us at the City of Mountain View Council meeting. We're keen to hear community points of view relating to our proposal to bring an airship back to the area, and presenting at the Council Meeting seems like a good way to get that feedback. Last week we also met with the
Moffett Field Historical Society board, which was a real pleasure for us.
So plenty going on, and once we come up for air, we'll let you know the highlights.
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